Online Learning with Akka

Imagine an online learning scenario where we wish to update an existing model using streaming event data, say. Here we consider how we might approach such a problem using the actor model as implemented by Akka.
online learning

Chris Hansen


August 8, 2021


In a previous post, we looked at how we could consume messages in a Kafka topic, and use those messages for online training of a classifier. In this post, we look at how Akka could be used to solve the same problem, in broadly the same way. Akka is an implementation of the actor model, and is particularly well suited for building event-driven, reactive systems since the actors involved communicate exclusively by sending and reacting to messages.

Problem Description

As before, we download the popular MNIST database of handwritten digits. The database contains hand-written digits represented as 28x28 pixel arrays with integer values in the range \([0,255]\) representing grey-scale colours. The images are split into training and test sets with 60000 and 10000 images, respectively. The following image contains a collage of randomly selected examples:

I must confess that I am a HUGE Akka fan, and in this case I think it is cooler than Kafka, even if perhaps not as well suited to situations requiring extremely high throughput. All that said, I’m not yet that familiar with the newer typed actors, so things here might not be completely idiomatic.

Our solution will consist of three actors which we’ll call producer, consumer, and coordinator for lack of anything better. When sent a labelled image, our consumer will use that image to update a classifier, but our consumer will also respond to other message types. Specifically, when asked, the producer will send the current accuracy over the MNIST test set, and it will also send the actual classifier on request. The producer will simply send messages to the consumer whenever we tell it to.


The complete application can be found on GitHub at cmhh/akkatrain, and the README includes enough information to get up and running. Note that the repository includes the MNIST database since the data is only 12MB all up, and the original source urges users to ‘Please refrain from accessing these files from automated scripts with high frequency. Make copies!’. Either way, in this section we discuss the most important bits in more detail.

Serialisation / Deserialisation

Akka is designed to be scalable, and our actor system can be spread across multiple JVM instances, on disparate servers. For actors to communicate with each other outside a single JVM instance, we would need to serialise our messages. Custom serialisers are easy enough to make–we simply create a class which mixes in akka.serialization.Serializer, and then we add entries in the and section of our configuration (see Serialization) to make use of them. However, in this example we limit ourselves to a single JVM instance, and so we do not need to worry.

Model Our Messages

In order to send labelled images, we’ll re-use the MnistRecord type from the Kafka implementation, so, please excuse the duplication…

The MNIST database consists of handwritten images of 28x28 pixels, each assigned a label from 0 to 9. The image data is easily read from the provided files as an array of bytes in row-major order, so we define a simple case class as follows (the class has a number of methods, but we omit the details here):

case class Image(data: Array[Byte], rows: Int, cols: Int, byrow: Boolean)

Labelled images can then be modelled simply, also using a case class, as follows:

case class MnistRecord(image: Image, label: Int)

The MNIST data has been bundled as a resource in the provided sbt project, and a basic, single-use iterator is provided also. For example, to read the training data:

scala> val testIt = MnistIterator(MnistType.TRAIN)
val testIt: org.cmhh.MnistIterator = <iterator>

The rest of our messages will be modelled as singleton objects, or very simple case classes:

import org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork

object messages {
  sealed trait CoordinatorCommand 
  case object RequestAccuracy extends CoordinatorCommand
  case class RequestSendImages(n: Int) extends CoordinatorCommand
  case class RequestClassifier(f: String) extends CoordinatorCommand
  case object Stop extends CoordinatorCommand with ProducerCommand with ConsumerCommand
  case class Accuracy(value: Double, n: Int) extends CoordinatorCommand
  case class Classifier(value: MultiLayerNetwork, f: String)  extends CoordinatorCommand
  sealed trait ProducerCommand
  case class SendImages(sendTo: ActorRef[ConsumerCommand], n: Int) extends ProducerCommand

  sealed trait ConsumerCommand
  case class Image(image: MnistRecord) extends ConsumerCommand
  case class SendAccuracy(replyTo: ActorRef[Accuracy]) extends ConsumerCommand
  case class SendClassifier(replyTo: ActorRef[Classifier], f: String) extends ConsumerCommand 

All our producer does is send \(n\) images to the consumer, and it does this when sent a SendImages object. In this case, the producer sends messages but does not expect any sort of reply. The producer will also terminate when sent the Stop object, but also once it has traversed the full MNIST training set once (again, we’re simulating online learning here–it would be straightforward to implement other training scenarios, traversing the training set as many times as required, for example, and in a random order). The full implementation is as follows:


object Producer {
  import messages._

  private val images = MnistIterator(MnistType.TRAIN)

  def apply(): Behavior[ProducerCommand] = 
    Behaviors.receive[ProducerCommand]{ (context, message) => 
      message match {
        case SendImages(r, n) => 
          def loop(i: Int): Behavior[ProducerCommand] = 
            if (!images.hasNext) {
              println("All images sent.  Shutting down.")
            } else if (i == n) {
            } else {
              r ! Image(
              loop(i + 1)
        case Stop => 
          println("Producer is dead!")

Our consumer is a little more complicated, but is still relatively simple. It can receive messages as follows:

  • Image - when received, it will update its private classifier
  • SendAccuracy - when received, it will send an Accuracy object to the sender
  • SendClassifier - when received, it will send a Classifier object to the sender

The full implementation of the consumer actors is as follows:

import org.nd4j.evaluation.classification.Evaluation

object Consumer {
  import messages._

  private val network = model.cnn()
  private val mnistTest = new MnistDataSetIterator(100, MnistType.TEST)

  def apply(): Behavior[ConsumerCommand] = run(0)

  def run(n: Int): Behavior[ConsumerCommand] = 
    Behaviors.receive{ (context, message) => message match {
      case Image(rec) =>
        val im = rec.toNd4j, im._2)
        run(n + 1)
      case SendAccuracy(replyTo) =>
        replyTo ! Accuracy(accuracy, n)
      case SendClassifier(replyTo, f) =>
        replyTo ! Classifier(network.clone, f)
      case Stop => 
        Behaviors.stopped {() => 
          println("Consumer is dead!")

  def accuracy: Double = {
    val eval = network.evaluate[Evaluation](mnistTest)

Note that actors can be created with an object-oriented or functional style, and we’ve opted for the functional approach here. So in the case of the consumer, we’ve tracked the number of total training images received, mostly to demonstrate how one might go about maintaining state–we could use mutable variables, but instead we define our Behavior recursively.

Rather than send messages directly to either of our producer or consumer actors, we communicate exclusively with a coordinator actor. We send the coordinator any of the following:

  • RequestSendImage - coordinator will tell the producer to send Images to the consumer
  • RequestAccuracy - coordinator will tell the consumer to send an Accuracy object
  • RequestClassifier - coordinator will tell the consumer to send a Classifier object
  • Stop - tell both the consumer and producer to Stop

object Coordinator {
  import messages._

  def apply(): Behavior[CoordinatorCommand] = Behaviors.setup { context => 
    val consumer = context.spawn(Consumer(), "consumer")
    val producer = context.spawn(Producer(), "producer")

    Behaviors.receiveMessage { message => {
      message match {
        case RequestSendImages(n) =>
          producer ! SendImages(consumer, n)
        case RequestAccuracy => 
          consumer ! SendAccuracy(context.self)
        case RequestClassifier(f) =>
          consumer ! SendClassifier(context.self, f)
        case Accuracy(accuracy, n) => 
          println(f"accuracy: %%1.4f, training images seen: %%05d".format(accuracy, n))
        case Classifier(n, f) =>
        case Stop =>
          consumer ! Stop
          producer ! Stop

Using the Actors

We always need an actor system to provide the overall context, and while it might not be best practice, we can make our system from a Coordinator:

val system = ActorSystem(Coordinator(), "akkatrain")

Then, to check the current classifier accuracy:

system ! RequestAccuracy

To have 1000 images sent to the consumer actor:

system ! RequestSendImages(1000)

To fetch the classifier and save it to a file:

system ! RequestClassifier("mnist.model")

And to shut everything down:

system ! Stop

The project contains a simple entry point which will create an actor system as above, and then send the full MNIST training set in batches of 500 images, reporting accuracy after each request. It is illustrative only, and uses Thread.sleep() to make things work just so (i.e., on a different machine with faster or slower performance, lack of GPU, etc., things will not work out so neatly!). The demo can be run as follows:

java -cp target/scala-2.13/akkatrain.jar org.cmhh.Main


In this post we demonstrated the basic usage of Kafka’s typed actors. The specific use-case for our actor system was to react to new messages in real-time, using them to update a classifier. There are a number of extensions that we could consider to make this more interesting, of course–we could develop web interfaces for interacting with out actors, and we could look other parts of the Akka ecosystem such as Akka streams (though the goal here was specifically to use the actor model).